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Ferrocarril General Urquiza
General Urquiza Railway


Ramal Concordia Central - Salto Grande (frontera con Uruguay)

Concordia Central - Salto Grande (border with Uruguay) branch


Servicio internacional / International service
Concordia Central (Argentina) -  Salto Grande (frontera/border) - Salto (Uruguay)

Boletos emitidos en estaciones entre Concordia Central y Salto Grande / Tickets issued in stations between Concordia Central and Salto Grande

Emitido en Concordia Central ca1984
para coche motor argentino / for Argentine railcar clase turista – ida
© Víctor Churchill

Emitido en Concordia Central 1984
boleto de peaje / toll ticket
© Víctor Churchill

Boletos emitidos en Uruguay con destino a estaciones entre Salto Grande y Concordia Central /
Tickets issued in Uruguay to destinations between Salto Grande and Concordia Central

Emitido en Salto ca1984
para coche motor argentino / for Argentine railcar
clase única – ida
© Víctor Churchill